Support and documentation

Welcome to the Yuva user documentation.

Browse the support documentation to set up the Yuva theme and built-in modules quickly.

Ask a question
Theme support includes:
  • Our support includes bug fixes and answering questions related to theme settings and existing features.
Theme support does not include:
  • Our support does not cover assistance for integrating third-party apps, development of new features, any changes in the theme design structures, adding new theme settings, or fixing issues caused by third-party developers or apps.

Support hours
  • Monday – Friday (excluding Indian public holidays)
  • 09:30 – 18:30 IST (Indian Standard Time)

Theme editor

For general guidance with modifying sections, refer to Shopify help: Sections and blocks (opens new window).

Announcement bar

The announcement bar is an optional section, when enabled, it permanently sits at the top of every page on your website. This feature can keep your customers informed of upcoming sales, newly launched products, and promotional discounts. You can also configure a sales countdown timer to display the duration of the sale. You can set the timer to display specific hours, days, or months for which the sale will be on. A maximum of 3 blocks can be added in this section.

Announcement Bar

Note: You can edit and make changes to the announcement bar on all page templates, excluding the Checkout, Password, and Gift card page templates.

Configure the announcement bar section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown to select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select the Announcement bar.

  • Customize this section using the settings shown in the following table.

Enable announcement bar

Select the checkbox “Enable announcement bar” to show or hide the announcement bar.

Background image Desktop image

Choose any image for the desktop view.

Mobile image

Choose any image for the mobile view.

Desktop height

Choose the height for desktop image.

Mobile height

Choose the height for mobile image.


Select from Carousel or Marquee to select the desired behavior or the announcement bar.

Show close icon

Select the checkbox "Show close icon" to display the close button.

CAROUSEL Enable auto-rotate

Select this checkbox to enable the auto rotation of announcement with the carousel behavior.

Change announcement every

Adjust the slider to set the announcement bar's auto rotation time in seconds.

MARQUEE Direction

Select from Left or Right to set the marquee text direction.


Adjust the slider to set the marquee text rotation speed in seconds.

LANGUAGE SELECTOR Enable language selector

Select this checkbox to show the language selector in the announcement bar.

This selector is visible on desktop only.

CURRENCY SELECTOR Enable currency converter

Select this checkbox to show the currency selector in the announcement bar.

This selector is visible on desktop only.

Colors Text

Select any text color for the text in the Announcement bar.

Background Background style

Select from two background styles - solid and gradient. It shows the background color accordingly.


Select any color as the solid background color of the Announcement bar.


Select any color as the gradient background color announcement bar.

Overlay color

Select any color for the overlay color on announcement bar.

Banner opacity

Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Button Background

Select the button's background color.


Select the button's text color.


Select the button's border color.

Block settings


Select the desired icon from multiple icons given in the dropdown.

Text Heading

In the "Heading" box, enter some text that will be displayed on the left side of the sales counter.

For example - The sale starts on.

Countdown date

Enter Sale end date in “DD/MM/YYYY” format. It will show the counter in “Hours:Min:Sec” till the date given in the textbox.

Please note that the countdown date must be set to a future date and include the following format: DD/MM/YYYY Example: 20/08/2022

Button Text

Enter text to display over the button.


In the "Link box,” enter a url to redirect the button. On clicking the button, it will redirect visitors to the added page. Both the button name and link need to be added to display the button.


Three primary navigation types are provided with the Yuva theme:

  • Logo left, menu center

    Logo left, menu center
  • Logo center, hamburger menu

    Logo center, hamburger menu
  • Full width menu

    Full width menu
  • Full width header with searchbar

    Full width header with searchbar

Configure the header section

  • Go to Customize theme. Click on the top dropdown menu to select the Home page template.

  • From the side menu, select Header.

  • Configure the "Header" in the setting on the right side with the following settings.

Navigation type

Select the preferred header from the dropdown menu:

  1. Logo left, menu center
  2. Logo center, hamburger menu
  3. Full width menu
  4. Full width header with searchbar
Enable sticky header

Enable/disable the Sticky header checkbox to turn it on/off, keeping the header at the top of the page. This shows when users scroll page from bottom to top.

Sticky header behaviour

Select the sticky header's behaviour from the following options:

  1. On scroll up (With this, the sticky header appears when users scroll page from bottom to the top of the page.)
  2. Always (With this, the sticky header keeps on appearing always.)
Enable transparent header

Enable/disable the transparent header checkbox to turn it on/off, keeping the header transparent at the top of the page.

(Note: It will be applicable to homepage only. It will not be applicable to "Full width menu" and "Full width header with searchbar".)

Enable sticky header

Enable/disable the Sticky header checkbox to turn it on/off, keeping the header at the top of the page.

Logo Image

Use the logo selector option to set up an image to use as a logo inside the Header. The recommended image dimensions are 110px x 36px (pixels).

  • To add an image, choose Select image, upload an image or select an image file from your store’s file library.
  • To replace an image, click on Change > Change image and select a new image.
  • To remove the image, click on Change > Remove image.
  • Select the Add alt text link, and add a brief text of the image in the Image alt textbox. For more understanding, refer to Shopify help: Adding alt text to media.
Custom logo size

Adjust the slider Custom logo size to set a size for the logo image between 50px and 250px (pixels).

Logo alignment

Set the store logo to the left side or to the center of the header.

Note: This setting applies only to the full-width Menu Header style.

Navigation Open by

Select from Click or Hover the decide the behavior of top level menus in the header.

Note: It is applicable only on desktop and will not work with a logo center, hamburger menu type.


This feature will help you import menus from Shopify's default navigation list that is available in the backend. It will be displayed as the menu in the Header. Refer to Configure the header menu.

Font size

Adjust the slider to change the font size between 12 px to 18 px.

Note: It will not be applicable with the "Logo center, hamburger menu".

Menu alignment

Set the menu to the left side or to the center of the header.

Note: This setting applies only to the full-width and full width header with searchbar header style.

CATEGORY Show category

Select this checkbox to show the categories button on the header.

Note: It will not be applicable with the "Logo center, hamburger menu".

Show catalog in drawer on desktop

Select this checkbox to show the catalog menus in the drawer.


Enter any text to appear above the categories button. For eg: Catalog, Categories etc.

Category menu

Select any menu to appear on click of categories button.

Trust badge Image

Add any image to show as trust badge in right side of the header.


Select any link to redirect the trust badge.

HEADER ICONS Enable search

Enable/disable the search checkbox to show/hide the search feature inside the Header.

Account type

Select the account icon redirection from the following options:

  1. Page
  2. Dropdown
  3. Popup
Cart icon

Select from Cart or Bag to show the desired icon in the header.

Enable sticky cart

Select this checkbox to make the cart icon sticky.

Note: It will not work with the sticky header.

Icons weight

Select from Thin, Normal and Bold to select the desired weight of icons.

LANGUAGE SELECTOR Enable language selector

Select this checkbox to show the language selector in the mobile navigation only.

CURRENCY SELECTOR Enable currency converter

Select this checkbox to show the currency selector in the mobile navigation only.

Colors Background

Set the background color of your Header.

Note: This background color does not apply to the “Logo center, hamburger menu & the mobile hamburger.”


Set the color of the Header text, including menu text, search icons, etc.

Note: This text color does not apply to the “Logo center, hamburger menu & the mobile hamburger.”

Text hover

Set the color of the header text color on the hover.

Hover text

Set the color that appears when a user hovers over the Header items.

Note: This hover text color does not apply to the “Logo center, hamburger menu.”

Category background

Select any color for the category button background.

Category text

Select any color for the category text.

Transparent header Text and icons

Select any color for the text and icons on the transparent header.

Hamburger menu Background

Set the background color of the hamburger menu.


Set the color of the text of the hamburger menu.

Text hover

Set the color of the Header text of the hamburger menu.

Full width header Background

Set the background color of the full width header & full width header with searchbar header’s secondary bar.


Set the color of the text in full width header & full width header with searchbar header’s secondary bar

Text hover

Set the color of the Header text of the full width header & full width header with searchbar header’s secondary bar.

Mobile menu/catalog drawer Background

Set the background color of the mobile menu and catalog drawer.

Main menu

Set the text color of the main menu on the mobile and catalog drawer, that are primary menus.

Sub menu

Set the text color of the sub menus on the mobile and catalog drawer.


Set the border color on the mobile and catalog drawer.

Submenu Menu background

Select any color for the submenus background. It applies to the submenus and the mega menus background.


Select any color for the submenus text.


Select any color for the submenus text hover.

Catalog / searchbar Category background

Set any color for the categories button background.

Category text

Set the color of the categories text.


Select any color for the borders.

Searchbar text

Select any color for the tet of search bar.

Searchbar icon background

Select any color for the search bar icon's background.

Searchbar icon color

Select any color for the search bar icon.

Configure the header menu

To select a menu to be displayed inside the Header section, apply the following settings in Header > Menu.

  1. To edit the current menu, click on the Edit menu link. This link will open the Navigation menu editor in the Shopify admin. panel. This editor is used to modify the menu. You can refer to Shopify help: Add, remove, or edit Menu items in your online store.
  2. To create the new menu, click on Change > Change menu, and follow the Create menu link. The link opens the Navigation > Add menu page in the Shopify admin. You can use the Menu editor for creating a new Menu, and then click on the New menu. For detailed understanding, click here Shopify help: Add, remove, or edit Menu items in your online store.
Header menu

Configure mega menus in the header

Adding a Mega menu to the main navigation is simple. Configure the following settings to add a Mega menu to your main navigation:

  1. Select the Header option from the theme editor.
  2. Click on “Add block.” With the Yuva theme, merchants can create three types of blocks: “Mega menu with submenu & products,” “Mega menu with products & gallery,” and “Mega menu with product list.”

Note: The mega menus do not work with the navigation types, i.e.,“Logo center, hamburger menu” & the “mobile hamburger.”.

Mega menu with submenu & products block settings

This Mega menu allows you to add submenus and products. Please refer to the snapshot added below.

Mega menu with submenu & products
Menu label

Click on the “Mega Menu with submenu & products” block and type the same name of the first level menu item to add to a Mega menu.

For example, your main navigation consists of “Home,” “Catalog,” and “Contact.” To have “Catalog” and its sub-menu under the Mega menu, you must type “Catalog” in the Menu label field.

Show submenu

Select this checkbox to display submenus that have been added to the Shopify default navigation.

Product selection

Select the list of products to be displayed in the selected Mega menu under the submenus.

Configure mega menu with submenu & products
  • Add the “Mega Menu with submenu & products” block.

    Mega menu with submenu & products
  • Add a menu label similar to the first-level navigation you added from Shopify navigation. For example - Catalog.

    Mega menu with submenu & products
    Mega menu with submenu & products

Typing the same menu name in the Menu label will connect this menu to the Mega menu created through the theme editor, as shown in the above snapshots. Also, select the relevant products to display in this Mega menu.

Mega menu with products & gallery block settings
Mega menu with products & gallery
Menu label

Click on the “Mega menu with products & gallery” block and type the same name of the first level menu item to add it into a Mega menu.

Example: Your main navigation consists of “Home”, “Shop”, and “Contact.” If you want to have “Shop” as this mega menu, you must type “Shop” in the menu label field.

Collection 1

Select any collection. The top 4 products of the selected collection will be shown in the mega menu block or menu dropdown. To understand collections, please refer to Shopify collections.

Collection 2

Select any collection. The top 4 products of the selected collection will be shown in the mega menu block or menu dropdown. To understand collections, please refer to Shopify collections.

Content 1 Image

Select the first image to use for branding. An image size of 410 x 415px (pixels) is recommended


Enter text to show as overlay text over the second image.


Enter the text that will show as overlay text below the heading over the first image.


Enter a url to redirect. This redirects to this url when store visitors click on the first image.

Content 2 Image

Select a second image to use for branding. An image size of 410 x 415px (pixels) is recommended.


Enter text to show as overlay text over the first image.


Enter the text that will show as overlay text below the heading over the second image.


Enter a url to redirect. This redirects to this url when store visitors click on the second image.

Configure mega menu with products & gallery
  • Add the “Mega menu with products & gallery” block.

    Mega menu with products & gallery
  • Add the menu label similar to the first-level navigation added to the Shopify navigation. Adding this same name links the menu with the mega menu. Select the relevant collections and images as per your brand.

    Mega menu with products & gallery
    Mega menu with products & gallery

Mega menu with the product list block settings
Mega menu with the product list
Menu label

Click on the “Mega menu with products list” block and type the exact name of the first level menu item to add it to the Mega menu.

Example: Your main navigation consists of “Home”, “Shop”, and “Collections”. If you want to have “Collections” as this mega menu, type “Collections”in the menu label field.

Product count

Adjust the slider to select the number of products to show under the collection name.

Collection (1-12)

Select collections to show their products. The top 7 products of the selected collection will be showcased in the mega menu, and a maximum of 12 collections can be added to this mega menu. It shows just the product titles.

Configure mega menu with a product list
  • Add a “Mega menu with product list” block.

    Mega menu with the product list
  • Add menu labels the same way you added any first-level navigation from the Shopify navigation. Adding this name connects the menu to the mega menu. Choose the relevant collection according to the store's brand, and the top 7 product titles will appear in this mega menu.

    Mega menu with the product list
    Mega menu with the product list
Configure menu badges in the header
  • Add a “Menu badge” block.
  • Add the menu label similar to the first-level navigation added to the Shopify navigation. Adding this same name links the menu with the menu badge.
Menu label

Click on the "Menu badge" block and type the exact name of the first level menu item to add it to the Menu badge.

Example: Your main navigation consists of “Home”, “Shop”, and “Collections”. If you want to have “Collections” as this Menu badge, type “Collections”in the menu label field.


Type the badge text like New, Hot etc.



Add any color to the badge text.


Add any color to the badge background.


This section is used to add a slideshow to your home page. Users can add up to 5 slides. Each slide has its own settings for better visualization and engagement.


Configure the slideshow

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select “Slideshow.”
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow beside the slideshow section.
  4. Click “Add Slide.”
  5. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Select from the options to display as the slideshow navigation icons.

  • Dots
  • Arrows, top left
  • Arrows, top right
  • Arrows, bottom left
  • Arrows, bottom right
Show content below images on mobile

Select this checkbox to show text content like heading, subheading etc. below images on the mobile devices.

Auto-rotate slides

Select this checkbox to enable/disable the Auto-rotate slides” option in the slider. It keeps changing slides automatically on the storefront.

Change slides every

This setting will only work when the "Auto-rotate slides" option is enabled. And, it only provides a range of 3 to 10 seconds.

Desktop height

Select any value given in the dropdown. It determines the height of the slide image on the desktop. It has options:

  • 650px
  • 750px
  • 850px
  • Adapt to first slide
Mobile height

Select any value given in the dropdown. It determines the height of the slide image on mobile devices. It has options:




Adapt to first slide

COLOR > Background

Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.


Block settings

Desktop image

Select an image to show in the mobile view.

Mobile image

Select an image to show in the mobile view.

Background video

Enter any video URL to show it as a background video in slides. It supports Youtube, Vimeo and MP4 videos.




Heading tag


Desktop heading size

Mobile heading size

Enter text to display as a subtitle below the slide heading.

Enter text to display as a title on the current slide.

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Enter text to display below the heading as description.

Use the slider to select heading text size between 26 px and 80 px (pixels).

Use the slider to select heading text size between 26 px and 40 px (pixels).

Button Size



Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of desktop button.

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

Button 1



Enter text to display over the button. For example - Shop now.

Enter a url to redirect the button. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this button. The button name and a link need to be added to display the button.

Button 2



Show as outlined button

Enter text to display over the button. For example - Shop now.

Enter a url to redirect the button. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this button. The button name and a link need to be added to display the button.

Select this checkbox to make button outlined.



Select the most relevant area of the image for the content position on the desktop. Its options include:

  • Top left
  • Top center
  • Top right
  • Center left
  • Center
  • Center right
  • Bottom left
  • Bottom center
  • Bottom right


Select the most relevant area of the image for the content position on the mobile. Its options include:

  • Top left
  • Top center
  • Top right
  • Center left
  • Center
  • Center right
  • Bottom left
  • Bottom center
  • Bottom right
Desktop colors



Subheading background


Button background

Button text

Button border


Overlay opacity

Select any color of heading text on the desktop.

Select any color of subheading text on the desktop.

Select any color of the subheading background on the desktop.

Select any color of the description text on the desktop.

Select any color of the button background on the desktop.

Select any color of the button text on the desktop.

Select any color of the button border on the desktop.

Select any color for the overlay on desktop.

Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Mobile colors



Subheading background


Button background

Button text

Button border


Overlay opacity

Select any color of heading text on the mobile.

Select any color of the subheading text on the mobile.

Select any color of the subheading background on the mobile.

Select any color of the description text on the mobile.

Select any color of the button background on the mobile.

Select any color of the button text on the mobile.

Select any color of the button border on the mobile.

Select any color for the overlay on desktop.

Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Split slideshow

This section is used to add a split slideshow. Users can add up to 5 slides. Each slide has its own settings for better visualization.


Configure the slideshow

  • Go to the Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select Split slideshow.”
  • Click on the dropdown arrow beside the slideshow section.
  • Click “Add Slide.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable arrows

Select this checkbox to show/hide the Arrows navigation icon in the slideshow.

Enable thumbnails

Select this checkbox to show/hide the thumbnails in the slideshow.

Auto-rotate slides

Select this checkbox to enable/disable the “Auto-rotate slides” option in the slider. It keeps changing slides automatically on the storefront.

Change slides every

This setting will only work when the "Auto-rotate slides" option is enabled. And, it only provides a range of 3 to 10 seconds.

Desktop height

Select any value given in the dropdown. It determines the height of the slide image on the desktop. It has options:

  • 650px
  • 750px
  • 850px
  • Adapt to first slide
Mobile height

Select any value given in the dropdown. It determines the height of the slide image on mobile devices. It has options:

  • 550px
  • 650px
  • 750px
  • Adapt to first slide

Background color

Select any color of the slideshow background.

Note: This color has more priority, the secondary background color shows for this by default.



Select this checkbox to show the overlay color on mobile devices.


Select the overlay color for the mobile view.

Block settings

Desktop image

Select an image to show on the current slide for the desktop.

Mobile image

Select an image to show in the mobile view.




Heading tag

Desktop heading size

Mobile heading size

Enter text to display as a subtitle below the slide heading.

Enter text to display as a title on the current slide.

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Use the slider to select heading text size between 26 px and 100 px (pixels).

Use the slider to select heading text size between 26 px and 40 px (pixels).




Desktop size

Mobile size

Enter text to display over the button. For example - Shop now.

Enter a url to redirect the button. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this button. The button name and a link need to be added to display the button.

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of Desktop button.

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of Mobile button.



Select the most relevant position of text content on mobile. Its options include:

  • Top
  • Center
  • Bottom


Select the alignment of text content on mobile. Its options include:

  • left
  • Center
  • Right
Desktop colors



Subheading background


Button background

Button text

Button border

Select any color of heading text on the desktop.

Select any color of subheading text on the desktop.

Select any color of the subheading background on the desktop.

Select any color of the description text on the desktop.

Select any color of the button background on the desktop.

Select any color of the button text on the desktop.

Select any color of the button border on the desktop.

Mobile colors



Subheading background


Button background

Button text

Button border

Select any color of heading text on the mobile.

Select any color of the subheading text on the mobile.

Select any color of the subheading background on the mobile.

Select any color of the description text on the mobile.

Select any color of the button background on the mobile.

Select any color of the button text on the mobile.

Select any color of the button border on the mobile.

News ticker

This section will show important announcements or promotional text in rotating form. With the Yuva theme, text in two rows can be added here.

News Ticker

Configure a news ticker

  • Go to the Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select “News ticker.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.



Enter text in the first row of the ticker to show the promotional text.

Note: To make the text appear outlined in the heading, make it bold.

Enter text in the second row of the ticker to show the promotional text.

Note: To make the text appear outlined in the subheading, make it bold.




Select the required font family saved in Theme settings > Typography For Headings and Body.

Select the required font family saved in Theme settings > Typography For Headings and Body.



Select the required direction from Left to right and Right to left.


Select the required direction from Left to right and Right to left.


Desktop Heading

Desktop Subheading

Mobile Subheading

Mobile Subheading

Adjust the slider to select the font size of the heading text.

Adjust the slider to select the font size of the subheading text.

Adjust the slider to select the font size of the heading text on mobile view

Adjust the slider to select the font size of the subheading text on mobile view


Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border width

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose from thin or thick to determine the border width.

Choose from solid or dashed to determine the border style.




Overlay opacity

Desktop minimum height

Mobile minimum height

Choose any image.

Choose any video.

Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Adjust the range bar to determine the minimum height of the media on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the minimum height of the media on the mobile view.



Gradient background


Outlined heading


Outlined subheading

Background overlay

Select any color for the background of the news ticker.

Select any gradient color for the background of the news ticker.

Select any text color for the heading text of the ticker.

Select any text color for the outlined heading text of the ticker.

Select any text color for subheading text of the ticker.

Select any text color for the outlined subheading text of the ticker.

Choose any color for the background overlay.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Image gallery

This section represents the image gallery. Users can add up to 6 images to the gallery.

Image Gallery

Configure the section

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select “Image gallery.”
  3. Select the arrow beside the Image gallery section.
  4. Click “Add Image.”
  5. Customize this section by using the setting from the right side of the theme editor as described in the following table.
Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed.


Enter text to display as a title on the Image gallery. For example: “Brand-new collection.”(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Show dotted outline on desktop

Select this checkbox to show/hide the dotted outline around each image in the section.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of this section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of this section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of this section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of this section on the mobile.

Block settings

The block settings below are common to all images.


Enter text to be displayed as a title on the image box. For example: “Men collection.”

Note: We recommend adding 30 characters max to make an appealing UI.

Enter text to display as a subtitle on the image box.

Note: We recommend adding 30 characters max to make an appealing UI.
Background Image

Select a background image for the image box. Image size of 484 x 284px (pixels) is recommended.


Enter a url to redirect the image box. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this image box.



Select any color for the heading text.


Select any color for the subheading text.

Configure the collection carousel

  1. Go to Customize theme, and at the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select "Collection carousel."
  3. Select the arrow beside it.
  4. Click “Add Collection” to add the blocks.
  5. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Select any preferred style from the given two different styles:

  1. Content left, grid right to place text on the left side of the grid.
  2. Content top, grid bottom to place text on the top of the grid.
Enable full width

Select the checkbox to enable/disable full width of the section.

Note: It is applicable only if the "Content top, grid bottom" style is selected

Number of columns in a row

Adjust the slider to determine the number of columns to display in a row.

Emphasize center image

Select a checkbox to emphasize the center image of the carousel.

Note: This will work with style "Content left, grid right" and number of columns in a row is 3.



Highlight font

Heading tag

Heading size



Enter text to display as a title on the collections carousel.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Select from small, medium or large to determine the heading size.

Enter text to display as a subtitle on the collection carousel.

Enter text to display as a description on the collection carousel.



Enter text to display over the button.


Enter a link to redirect the button. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this button. Both the button name and link need to be added to display the button.

Desktop size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of Desktop button.

Mobile size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any collection to display in the carousel.

Custom image

Select the image for your collection, or else the collection image will be displayed by default. Image size of 394 x 530px (pixels) is recommended.


Enter text to display as a title on the collection block, or else the default collection title will be displayed by default.


Enter text to display as a subtitle to the collection block, or else the default collection content will be shown by default.




Select any color for the heading text.

Select any color for the subheading text.

Configure the collection list

  1. Go to Customize theme, and at the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select "Collection list."
  3. Select the arrow beside it.
  4. Click “Add Collection” to add the blocks.
  5. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.


Highlight font

Heading tag

Enter text to display as a title on the collections list.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any collection to display in the list.

Collection tabs

Yuva theme provides collection tabs that help users to display their three product collections under these tabs. In addition, the Collection tab can be configured using the settings below.

 Collection Tabs

Configure the collection tabs

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select "Collection tabs."
  3. Select the arrow beside it.
  4. Click “Add Collection” to add the tabs.
  5. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed.


Enter text to display as a title on the collections tabs.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Select the heading size from small, medium and large.

Tabs position

Select from the options:

  • Bottom to heading places tabs under the heading text.
  • Right to heading places tabs on the right side of heading text.
Heading and tabs position

Select from Left, Center and Right to show the heading and tabs position.

Note: It will not be applicable with "Right to heading" tabs position

Product grid style

Select from Carousel and Stacked to show the products.

Products per row

Select the number of products to show from 4 to 6.

Desktop grid radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the desktop.

Mobile grid radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the mobile.

Desktop grid spacing

Adjust the range bar to set the gap between columns on the desktop.

Mobile grid spacing

Adjust the range bar to set the gap between columns on the mobile.

Hide tabs heading

Select this checkbox to hide the tab heading in case only one tab is added.

Show tabs border

Select this checkbox to show the border around tabs.

View all button

Show button


Select this checkbox to show the button in section.

Enter text for the button.

Button size



Choose the button size for desktop view from the following options:

  • -Default
  • - Small
  • - Medium
  • - Large

Choose the button size for mobile view from the following options:

  • -Default
  • - Small
  • - Medium
  • - Large


Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.


Block settings

Tab heading

Enter text to display as a title of the tab, or the collection name will display by default.


Select any collection to display its list of products.

Please note that the tab will only be visible if the selected collection contains at least one product.

Featured collection

This section displays products from the selected collection. Customize this section by adjusting the content & number of products to show at once in this slider.

Featured Collection

Modify products in the featured product section

To modify a product in the featured product section, follow these guidelines:

Edit a product’s details

Click on the link shown next to the selected product in the editor. This link opens the product editor on the Shopify store's admin page. Use the editor to modify the product details.

For more understanding, refer to Product details

Modify Featured Product
Change product

Click on Change dropdown, select Change product, and then select one of the following options.

  1. To find a product, type the product's name in the Search text box.
  2. To create a product, select Create product link to open Add product menu on the Shopify store's admin page and enter products’ details.

For more understanding, refer to Shopify help: Adding and updating products.

  1. Select the required product from the list of products, and click on the Select button.
Remove a product from the section

Select the Change dropdown, and then choose Remove product.


This section is used in the form of a slider to add reviews and feedback from happy customers. You can add up to 5 quotes under this section. There are two styles of testimonials:

  1. One column
    Testimonial section
  2. Two columns
    Testimonial section

Configure the testimonials

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select "Testimonials."
  3. Click on “Add Quote” to add the blocks.
  4. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter text to show as heading text above the quotes.(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Select from small, medium or large to determine the heading size.


Select from Classic and Modern styles to display the testimonials.

Desktop column count

Choose the number of columns in which you want to show your testimonial section. For instance, you can choose ‘one column’ or ‘two columns’ as per your preferences.

Carousel navigation

Select arrows or dots to navigate through the carousel.

Shop top border

Select this checkbox to show/hide the border on top of the testimonials section.

Show bottom border

Select this checkbox to show/hide the border on the bottom of the testimonials section.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Quote settings

The common settings to set up quotes are as follows:

Star rating

Adjust the slider to add stars on the quotes.


Add the feedback/message given by the customer about the product.


Add text to display the name of the author/client.

Author city

Add the city name where the author/client lives.

Author image

Select the image of the author/client. You can change or remove it using the change button.

Note: An image size of 90 x 90px (pixels) is recommended.
Feedback video>Video

Select any video from the store library.

Button text

Enter any text to show near the video. For e.g. Play.

Countdown with images

This section displays customized images of products or collections on sale at the sales counter.

countdown img

Configure the countdown with images

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click the dropdown to select a Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Countdown with images."

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Show as banner

Select this checkbox to show/hide this section as a banner.

Enable fullwidth banner

Select this checkbox to show banner in full width.

Note: Fullwidth banner will work when the 'Show as banner' is checked.

Enable fullwidth content

Select this checkbox to show the countdown content in the full width.


Enter text to display as a title to attract the store visitors. (Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Select from small, medium or large to determine the heading size.


Enter text to display as a subtitle.


Enter text providing sales and offering details to the customers.

End date

Enter the sale end date in the DD/MM/YYYY format for the timer. It must be set to a future date, as it will specify the sale period.

Hide section when date is passed

Select this checkbox to hide this section, when the countdown date passes.

Banner content position

Select from the multiple options to show the banner content position.

Button Text

Enter text to display over the button.


Enter a url to redirect the button. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this button. Both the button name and link need to be added to display the button.

Desktop size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of desktop button.

Mobile size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

MEDIA Left image

Select an image to show on the left side of the timer.

Note: Image size of 410 x 450px (pixels) is recommended.

Right image

Select an image to show on the right side of the timer.

Note: Image size of 410 x 450px (pixels) is recommended.

Mobile image

Select an image to show on the mobile view.



Image overlay

Overlay opacity

Image overlay opacity



Timer text

Timer background

Button text

Button background

Button border

Select the color for the overlay shown in the section.(Note: Only applicable if show as banner is selected.)

Select the color for the images.(Note: Only applicable if show as banner is selected.)

Adjust the slider to select the opacity for the overlay shown in the section.

Adjust the slider to select the opacity for the image overlay shown in the section.

Select any color to show as the background color of banner.

Select the section’s text color.

Select the timer's text color.

Select the timer's background color.

Select the button's text color.

Select the button's background color.

Select the button's border color.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Text with icons

This section is used to display informational banners. You can add a maximum of 4 blocks under this section.

Text With Icons

Configure the text with icons

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Text with icons."

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enable small container

Select this checkbox to show small container, that is used to reduce the width of the section.

Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed.


Show background

Mobile column count

Text alignment

Select this checkbox to show background color of the column.

Select from one or two to show the number of columns on the mobile.

Choose from left, center or right to determine the text alignment.

Space between icon and content



Adjust the range bar to determine the space between icon and content on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the space between icon and content on the mobile view.


Enable border

Border style

Desktop rounded column radius

Mobile rounded column radius

Select this checkbox to show border around the blocks.

Choose the border style from dashed, dotted or solid as per the requirements.

Adjust the range bar to determine the column radius on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the column radius on the mobile view.


Show background


Select this checkbox to show background color of the icon.

Select from Left and Top to change the icon position.



Column background


Icon background


Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Select any color for the column’s background.

Select any color for the icon.

Select any color for the icon’s background.

Select any color for the column border.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings

The common settings for the block having text with icons are:


Add a relevant icon to your block. It has a list of icons available in the dropdown.


Add a heading to your block.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Choose the heading size from the available list of options.

Sub text

Add text to show below the heading.

Image with text

Users can use this section to add one image with text to showcase stories or to show any kind of text content.

Text With Icons

Configure the image with the text section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Image with text."

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enable full width Select this checkbox to show this section in full width.
Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed as per the requirements.

MEDIA Image 1

Add any image to showcase on the left side.

Note: An image size of 550 x 510px (pixels) is recommended.

Show image shadow

Select this checkbox to show/hide the shadow on the image.

Note: Image size of 295 x 315px (pixels) is recommended.

Enable image zoom animation

Select this checkbox to enable the animation on the image hover.

Image alignment

Select the left or right alignment of the images from the dropdown.


Select from the given multiple options to choose the image height.

Icon over section

Show icon


Select this checkbox to show the icon over the section.

Choose the icon from the available list of options.

Icon position

Desktop horizontal

Desktop vertical

Mobile horizontal

Mobile vertical

Adjust the range bar to determine the horizontal position of the icon on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the vertical position of the icon on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the horizontal position of the icon on the mobile view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the vertical position of the icon on the mobile view.

Icon color

Choose the icon color.

CONTENT Position

Select from Top, Middle and Bottom to choose the content position with respective to the image.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Shadow color

Select any color for the image’s shadow.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings

It has three types of blocks-

  • Heading

    Add a title or heading.

    (Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

    Highlight font

    Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

    Heading size

    Choose the heading size from the available list of options including h1 to h6.

    Heading tag

    Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

  • Icon with text


    Select any icon from the list of icons.


    Add text to display as a title in the section.


    Enter a suitable description text in the rich text editor.

  • Text > Description: Enter a description in the rich text editor.
  • Stat box
  • Heading

    Add a title or heading in the overlapping box.


    Add text to display as content in the overlapping box.

  • Button


    Enter any text to appear as the button text.


    Add link to redirect the button.

    Desktop size

    Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the desktop button.

    Mobile size

    Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

Multi images with text

Users can use this section to add two images with text to showcase stories or to show any kind of text content.

multi image with text

Configure the image with the text section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Multi image with text."

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Text alignment

Select from Left, Center and Right to choose the text alignment.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing from the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings

It has three types of blocks-

  • Heading

    Enter any text to appear as the title.

    (Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

    Highlight font

    Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

    Heading tag

    Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

    Heading size

    Choose from small, medium or large to determine the heading size.

  • Text > Description: Enter a description in the rich text editor.

  • Button


    Enter any text to appear as the button text.


    Add link to redirect the button.

    Desktop size

    Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the desktop button.

    Mobile size

    Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

  • Images

First image

Add any image to showcase as first image.

Second image

Add any image to showcase as second image.

Show images shadow

Select this checkbox to show/hide the shadow on the image.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Shadow color

Select any color to set as shadow color of the image.

Rich text

This section is used to add one full-width block of text. There are two types of blocks:

  • Text
  • Page

Configure the rich text section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Rich text."

  • Click on “Add block.”

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

  • Desktop content width

    Select from small, medium or large to determine the content width on the desktop view.

    Text alignment

    Select the alignment of the text to the left, right, or center.



    Select color from the options:

    • Primary
    • Secondary
    • Tertiary
    • Quaternary
    • Gradient

    Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

    Section visibility

    Select the visibility of section from the following options:

    1. always
    2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
    3. Large devices only
    SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

    Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

    Bottom spacing (desktop)

    Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

    Top spacing (mobile)

    Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

    Bottom spacing (mobile)

    Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Text block settings


Add text to display as a title in the section.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Choose the heading size from available list of options.


Enter a suitable description to display in this section.

Page block settings


Add text to display as a title in the section. (Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Choose the heading size from available list of options.


Select any page to show its content (These pages are created in Shopify pages)

To understand pages in Shopify, refer to Pages.

Custom liquid

Use the section to add Custom liquid code, like app snippets for creating advanced customizations for your store. We highly recommend hiring an expert in case you’re not comfortable editing Custom liquid code.

For more understanding, refer to Shopify developers: Liquid reference.

Configure the custom liquid section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Custom liquid."

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.


Enter the liquid template language code.

For more understanding, refer to Shopify developers: Liquid reference.


Set the alignment of the section to the left, center, or right.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Collapsible content

This section shows the text content in collapsible form like FAQ. A maximum of 6 blocks can be added here.

Text With Icons

Configure the collapsible content

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select a template that contains a collapsible content section. For example, select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select Collapsible content.
  3. Click the Collapsible row to add a new block.
  4. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed as per the requirements.


Add text to display as a title in the section.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Row heading background

Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Enter a suitable text to show as a title inside the collapsible row.


Enter a suitable text to show as the content inside the collapsible row.


This section represents the map that can be used to show the store location.

Map Section

Configure the map section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select a template that contains a map section. For example, select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select "Map."

  • Configure the section using the following settings:

Map settings

Enable full width

Select this checkbox to show/hide the map in the full-width display.


Type the address you want to show in the maps.


Choose map style from given options such as default, satellite, hybrid, and terrain. To show the map, you have to add a 'Google maps API key' to the Theme settings > Google Maps section.


Select any image to display, in case the map does not load.


Content position

Select from multiple given options to choose the content position.


Select from multiple given options to choose the image height.


Content position

Select from Overlay or Below map to choose the content position.


Select from multiple given options to choose the image height.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Block settings

It has three types of blocks-

  • Heading: Add a title or heading.

  • Heading tag: Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

  • Subheading: Add any text to show as subheading.

  • Text > Description: Enter a description in the rich text editor.

  • Button


    Enter any text to appear as the button text.


    Add link to redirect the button.

    Show as link

    Select this checkbox to show button as a link.

Note: You must add the “Google maps API key” in the theme settings for the maps. To understand how to add the “Google maps API key,” refer to the below description.

Google Maps API key steps

Using API keys:

Google Maps platform products are protected from unauthorized use by limiting API calls to people with the proper authentication credentials. These are in the form of an API key - a unique alphanumeric string that associates a Google billing account with the project and the specific API/SDK.

This guide displays how to create, restrict, and use your API Key for the “Google Maps platform.”

Before you start:

Before you begin using the “Maps JavaScript API,” you need a project with a billing account and the “Maps JavaScript API” enabled. To understand more, see Set up in Cloud Console. 

  1. Create a new: “Google cloud project” in the Cloud console: Create new project
  2. On the New project display, fill in the required details:
    • Project name: Accept the default name or enter a customized name. You can change the project name at any time. For more information, see Identifying projects.
    • Project ID: Accept the default or click on “EDIT” to add a “Customized ID” that “Google APIs” use as a unique identifier for the project. After users create the project, they cannot change the “Project ID,” so, select an IDthat you'll be comfortable using for the project's lifetime. Do not include any sensitive information in “Project ID.”
    • Billing account: Choose a billing account for the project. You won't see this option if you haven't set up a billing account or only have one.
    • Users must be a “Billing account administrator” or “Project billing manager” to associate a project with the billing account. For more details, refer to the billing access control documentation.
    • Location: If users have an organization to link the project to, click Browse and select it; otherwise, choose "No organization." For more details, check here Creating and Managing Folders and Relationships between organizations, projects, and billing accounts.

  3. Click on the Create button.
Creating API keys: 

The API key is a UID (unique identifier), which authenticates all requests associated with the project for usage and the billing purposes. Users must have at least one API key associated with the project.

To create an API key:

  • Open “Google Maps platform > Credentials page. For more details, refer to Go to the Credentials page.
  • On the Credentials page, click on Create credentials > API key. The API key-created dialog displays your newly created API key.
  • Click on the Close button.

Video banner

Use this section to add relevant autoplay videos to your brand to attract customers. Users can add a heading, subheading, and a play button to make it charismatic.

Text With Icons

Configure the video banner section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select a template that contains a video banner section. For example, select the Home page template.

  • From the left side menu, select “Video banner.”

  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Video link

Add the link to the video you want to show in the video banner. Supported formats are - YouTube, MP4 and Vimeo.

Cover image

Add a cover image by clicking the select image button. Image size of 1915 x 720px (pixels) is recommended. Also, the Poster will not be visible if autoplay is enabled.

Enable full width

Select this checkbox to show/hide the full-width mode of the video section.

Desktop height

Adjust this slider to change the height between 300px and 850px.

Mobile height

Adjust this slider to change the height between 250px and 600px.

Enable autoplay

Select this checkbox to turn on/off autoplay video.

Please note that if autoplay is enabled, then the video will be muted.

Video size

Select from Natural or Cropped to choose the video size.

Background pattern

Select from the options to display the background pattern.

  • None
  • Waves
  • Flowers

Note: This is applicable only if full width is disabled.



Heading tag


Show as overlay content

Enter text to display as a title on the video banner.

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Enter text to display as a subtitle on the video banner.

Select this checkbox to show the content above the video overlay. Otherwise, the text content shows above the video.




Play button

Overlay color

Overlay opacity

Select any color of heading text.

Select any color of subheading text.

Select any color of the play button. This play button displays when the autoplay video check-box is unchecked.

Select the color for the overlay shown in the section.

Adjust the slider to select the opacity for overlay shown in the section.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Promotional banner

This section is used to highlight your promotional deals on the home page, allowing customers to experience exclusivity.

Promotional Banner

Configure the promotional banner section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Promotional banner.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable full width

Select the checkbox to display the promotional banner in full width.

Border radius

Adjust the slider to adjust the radius of the banner border.

Please note that this only applies if a promotional banner is not full-width.




Enter text to display as a title on the promotional banner.

Enter a few words (text) about the promotional deal.




Enter text to display over the button.

Enter a url to redirect the button. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this button. Both the button name and link need to be added to display the button.




Select any text color of the promotional banner.

Select any background color of the promotional banner.





Set the text color of the button.

Set the background color of the button.

Set the background color of the button.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
Icon over section

Show icon


Select this checkbox to show the icon over the section.

Choose any icon from the available list of icons.

Icon position

Desktop horizontal

Desktop vertical

Mobile horizontal

Mobile vertical

Adjust the range bar to determine the horizontal position of the icon on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the vertical position of the icon on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the horizontal position of the icon on the mobile view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the vertical position of the icon on the mobile view.

Icon color

Choose the icon color.


Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings:Counter


Enter any number for the counter to work.

Unit text

Enter the unit text.


Enter text to display as a title.


EntEnter a few words (text) about the counter.


This section is used to add blank space in between the sections.

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Spacer.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Desktop height

Adjust the slider to set the height of blank space on the desktop.

Mobile height

Adjust the slider to set the height of blank space on the mobile.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Custom color

Select any color for the background.


This section shows images in a collage.

Collage Banner

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Collage.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable full width

Select the checkbox to display the section in full width.

Image layout

Select from Sharp & Rounded to choose the relevant image layout.

Enable image hover animation

Select the checkbox to enable the animation on the image’s hover.

Enable hover effect

Select the checkbox to enable the hover effect on images.

Desktop rounded image radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the desktop.

Mobile rounded image radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the mobile.

Heading size

Select from small, medium or large to adjust the heading size.

Button size

Select from the provided options to adjust the button size.

Show space between images

Select the checkbox to display the space between image blocks.

Desktop space between images

Adjust the range bar to set the space gap between the images on the desktop.

Mobile space between images

Adjust the range bar to set the space gap between the images on the mobile.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Collage Image
Collage Image

Block settings

Image width

Select the required width of the image.


Select any image to display.

Mobile image

Select any image for the mobile view.

Shopify hosted video

Select any video.

Note: This video has more priority than the image.



Enter any text to show as a heading.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Show heading shadow

Select this checkbox to show shadow of the heading text.


Enter any text to show as a subheading.


Select any link to redirect the image.

Note: In case the button text is not added, this link will be applied to the background image, and with button text, this link applies to the button.

Button text

Enter any text to show above the button.

Show as outline button

Select this checkbox to change the button style from solid to outline.


Heading size

Select from None, Small, Medium & Large to choose the relevant heading size above images.

Button size

Select from Default, Small, Medium & Large to choose the relevant button size above images.

Content width

Select from small, medium or large to determine the content width.


Heading size

Select from None, Small, Medium & Large to choose the relevant heading size above images.

Button size

Select from Default, Small, Medium & Large to choose the relevant button size above images.

Content width

Select from small, medium or large to determine the content width.


Adjust the slider to determine the overlay opacity.



Select the most relevant area of the image for the content position on the desktop. Its options include:

  • Top left
  • Top center
  • Top right
  • Center left
  • Center
  • Center right
  • Bottom left
  • Bottom center
  • Bottom right


Select the most relevant area of the image for the content position on the mobile. Its options include:

  • Top left
  • Top center
  • Top right
  • Center left
  • Center
  • Center right
  • Bottom left
  • Bottom center
  • Bottom right


Select any color to show as an overlay.


Select any color to show as the text color.

Heading shadow

Select any color to show as the heading shadow color.

Button text

Select any color to show as the text color of the button.

Button background

Select any color to show as the background color of the button.

Button border

Select any color to show as the border color of the button.

Before/after image

This section is to show transitions using two images.

Full width

Select this checkbox to show the full width section.

Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed as per the requirements.


Enter text to display as a title on the before/after image section.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Enter text to display as a description on the section.

Before image

Select any image to show on the left side of the section on the desktop view.

Before mobile image

Select any image to show on the left side of the section on the mobile view.

After image

Select any image to show on the right side of the section on the desktop view.

After mobile image

Select any image to show on the right side of the section on the mobile view.

Before text

Enter text to display on the left image of the section.

After text

Enter text to display on the right image of the section.

Text Alignment

Select the text alignment from top, center or bottom.

Drag position

Adjust the slider to select the default position of the drag bar.



Select any color for the background color of the section.


Select any color as the heading text color of the section.


Select any color as the description text color of the section.

Before text

Select any color as the before text color of the section.

After text

Select any color as the after text color of the section.

Drag cursor background

Select any color as the background color of the drag bar in the section.

Drag cursor

Select any color as the cursor color of the drag bar in the section.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.


This section shows newsletter form with added text.


Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Newsletter.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter any text to show as a heading.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Enter any text to show as description under heading.


Enter any text to show as placeholder text in the input field.

Button text

Enter any text to show as button text.

COLORS Background

Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Button text

Select any color to display as text color of the button.

Button background

Select any color to display as background color of the button.

Button border

Select any background color of the promotional banner.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Shop the look

This section creates hotspots of products on an image, and each hotspot represents the product.

shop the look

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Shop the look.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable fullwidth

Select this check box to show image in full width.


Select any desired image for displaying the look with products over it.



Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any product to show over the hotspot.


Select the layout from horizontal or vertical.


Horizontal position

Adjust the slider to select the hotspot’s position horizontally.

Vertical position

Adjust the slider to select the hotspot’s position vertically.


Select any color for the hotspot.

Media with text

Select any icon from the list.


Select any image.

Note: This image has more priority than the icon.


Select any video.

Note: This video has more priority than the icon.


Add any text.


Add the description.


Add the link to redirect the block.


Horizontal position

Adjust the slider to select the hotspot’s position horizontally.

Vertical position

Adjust the slider to select the hotspot’s position vertically.


Select any color for the hotspot.

Images grid

This section shows the grid of three images with text.

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select "Images grid."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Desktop content position

Select from Left and Right to choose the content position on desktop.


Select from the multiple given options to choose the images height.


Enter any text to show as the heading.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Enter any text to show as the heading.


Enter text to display as a description on the section.

BUTTON Show as link

Select this checkbox to show the button as a link.


Enter any text for the button.


Enter any link to redirect the button.

COLORS Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings

  • Image: Select any image to show in the grid.

Tabbed collage

This section shows the product and media in the collapsible form.

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select "Tabbed collage."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:


-Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)

-Large devices only

Enable full width

Select this checkbox to show this section in full width.

Icon over section

Show icon


Select this checkbox to show the icon over the section.

Choose any icon from the available list of icons.

Icon position

Desktop horizontal

Desktop vertical

Mobile horizontal

Mobile vertical

Adjust the range bar to determine the horizontal position of the icon on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the vertical position of the icon on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the horizontal position of the icon on the mobile view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the vertical position of the icon on the mobile view.

Icon color

Choose any icon color.

Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed as per the requirements.


Desktop media alignment

Desktop height

Mobile height

Desktop rounded image radius

Mobile rounded image radius

Show blocks background

Choose the desktop media alignment from left or right.

Choose the media height from the available list of options for the desktop view.

Choose the media height from the available list of options for the mobile view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the image radius on the desktop view.

Adjust the range bar to determine the image radius on the mobile view.

Select this checkbox to show the background color in the blocks.

Desktop media alignment

Select from Left and Right to choose the media alignment on desktop.

Desktop height

Select from the multiple given options to choose the media’s height on the desktop.


Enter text to display as a description on the section.

Mobile height

Select from the multiple given options to choose the media’s height on the mobile.

COLOR Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any image to show in this section.


Select any MP4 video to show. Video has more priority than the image.


Enter text to show as a heading in this section.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Choose the heading size from available list of options.


Enter text to display as a description on the section.


Choose any icon from the available list of icons.

BUTTON Show as link

Select this checkbox to show the button as a link.


Enter any text for the button.


Enter any link to redirect the button.


Select any product.


Enter text to show as a heading in this section.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Choose the heading size from available list of options.


Enter text to display as a description on the section.


Choose any icon from the available list of icons.

BUTTON Show as link

Select this checkbox to show the button as a link.


Enter any text for the button.


Enter any link to redirect the button.


This section shows multiple looks and associated products.

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select "Lookbook."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
COLOR Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Note: This products grid does not support quick view, similar products and custom product labels.


Select any image to show as the look image.


Select any collection to show the products used to create look shown in the image.


Enter text to show as a heading in this block.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Select from small, medium or large to determine the heading size.


Select the products to show.

Note: This has higher priority than the collection.


Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the left side menu, select "Timeline."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Section border

Enable top border

Enable bottom border

Border style

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Choose the border style from solid or dashed as per the requirements.

Navigation bar position

Select from top or bottom to show the navigation bar.

Image height

Select from auto, portrait, landscape & square to show the images ratio.

COLOR Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings

Navigation label

Select any image to show as the look image.

Note: This label is mandatory to show the block in timeline.


Select any image to show in the block

TEXT Heading

Enter text to show as a heading in this block.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Heading size

Select from small, medium & large to adjust the heading size.


Enter text to show as a subheading in this block.


Enter text to show description in this block.

Button text

Enter button text to show above the button.


Enter a link to redirect the button.

Desktop size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the desktop button.

Mobile size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

Show as link

Select this checkbox to change this button to a link.

Store locator

This section is to show the product availability on the basis of the stores shown in the store locator popup. To show the product availability in the product grids, enable it from the theme settings>product grid>Show grid pickup availability.

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Store locator." shown below the footer group.
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter text to display as heading text.

Button text

Enter text to display as button text.

Confirm button text

Enter text to display as a button text on the store locator popup.

Custom pin

Select any image to show as a custom pin on the map shown in the right side of popup.

POSITION Horizontal

Select from left or right to show the store locator button.


Adjust the slider to manage space for the vertical position of the offer on the page.

COLORS Background

Select any color for the store locator button background.


Select any color for the store locator button text.

Block settings

Store name

Type the store name as its shown in the location settings of the store.

Store details

Enter any text to show details of the store.


Enter a location to show it on the map.

(Note: Make sure that you have the Google Maps API added in theme settings>Google maps.)

Contact form

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Contact form."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter text to display as heading.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Form button text

Enter the button text.


Select any image to show in the block.

Image position

Select from left or right to determine the image position.

COLOR Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Events calendar

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Events calendar."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter text to display as heading text.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

COLOR Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any image.


Enter any title to show as the event title.


Enter any description.


Enter the event date. For e.g: 10th December


Enter the event time. For e.g: 7PM - 11PM


Enter the event location text.

Location link

Add any link to redirect the location.

Button text

Add text to show as a button text.

Button link

Add any link to redirect the button.


Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Multicolumn."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter text to display as heading text.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Enter the description.

Heading content alignment

Select from left, center or right to determine the heading and content alignment.

Column content alignment

Select from left, center or right to determine the content alignment of columns.

Media ratio

Select the media ratio from the available list of aspect ratios.

Button desktop size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the desktop button.

Button mobile size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

Desktop Button size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the desktop button.

Mobile Button size

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the mobile button.

COLOR Background

Select color from the options:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary
  5. Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any image.

Autoplay video

Select an autoplay video.


Enter any title.


Enter any description.

Button text

Add text to show as a button text.

Button link

Add any link to redirect the button.

Show as link

Select this checkbox to show button as a link.

Media banner

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Media banner."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable parallax

Select this checkbox to enable parallax effect on the banner.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only

Select any image.


Select any video.

Desktop height

Select the desktop height from the available options.

Mobile height

Select the mobile height from the available options.

Text Heading

Enter any title. (Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Desktop heading size

Adjust the range bar to determine from the heading size on desktop view.

Mobile heading size

Adjust the range bar to determine from the heading size on the mobile view.


Enter any description text.

Button Text

Add text to show as a button text.


Add any link to redirect the button.

Button size Desktop

Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of the desktop button.


Select from Default, Small, Medium and Large to show the relevant size of mobile button.

Content position

Select the content position from following available options:

  • Top left
  • Top center
  • Top right
  • Center left
  • Center
  • Center right
  • Bottom left
  • Bottom center
  • Bottom right
Colors Heading

Select any color for the heading text.


Select any color for the description text.

Button background

Select any color for the button background.


Select any color for the button text.

Button border

Select any color for the button border.


Select any color for the overlay.

Overlay opacity

Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Color based collections

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Color based collections."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable full width

Select this checkbox to enable parallax effect on the banner.

Section visibility

Select the visibility of section from the following options:

  1. Always
  2. Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.)
  3. Large devices only
Section border Enable top border

Select this checkbox to show the top border.

Enable bottom border

Select this checkbox to show the bottom border.

Border style

Choose the border style from solid or dashed as per the requirements.

Collection image Desktop height

Select the desktop height from multiple available options.

Mobile height

Select the mobile height from multiple available options.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Color Background

Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.

SECTION SPACING Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Block settings


Select any collection.

Select color for collection

Select any color for the collection. This color may represent the product’s common color.

Custom image for collection

Select any image for the collection.

Show collection title

Select this checkbox to show the collection’s title.

Show collection description

Select this checkbox to show the collection’s description.

Apply collection link to image

Select this checkbox to apply the collection link to the image.

Custom content Title

Enter any custom title. This will override the collection title.


Enter any custom description. This will override the collection description.

Colors Content

Select any color for the content text.


Select any color for the overlay.

Overlay opacity

Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Side drawer content

This section represents the sidebar content, which are displayed on the sides.

Configure the Side drawer content

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the left side menu, select Side drawer content.”
  3. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable side drawer content

Select this checkbox to enable the sidebar.


Enter text to display as a title of the side drawer.

Desktop drawer head style

Choose from bar or button to determine the sidebar drawer head style.

  • Drawer head > Text
  • Drawer head > Background
  • Drawer body > Background
  • Select any color for the drawer head text.
  • Select any color for the drawer head background.
  • Select any color for the drawer body background.

Block settings: Collection list


Enter text to display as a title.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Choose any 8 collections from the list.

Color> text

Choose any color for the text color.

Block settings: Product list


Enter text to display as a title.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Choose any 8 products from the list.

Color> text

Choose any color for the text color.

Block settings: Media with text


Choose any image from the store library.


Choose any video from the store library.

Desktop media alignment

Choose from left or right to determine the media alignment on the desktop view.

Content Heading

Enter text to display as a title.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Enter text to display as the description.

Button text

Enter the button text.


Add any link for the button link.

Button size > Desktop

Select any size for the button size for the desktop view.

Button size > Mobile

Select any size for the button size for the mobile view.

Content position

Choose any position of the content from top, middle or bottom.

Colors Heading

Select any color for the heading text.


Select any color for the text.

Button background

Select any color for the button background.

Button text

Select any color for the button text color.

Button border

Select any color for the button border color.

This section represents the discounts offered by the merchants, which are displayed on the sides. You can create up to four offers.

Sidebar Offer

Configure the offer

  1. Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  2. From the side menu, select Sidebar offer.
  3. Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable sidebar

Select this checkbox to enable the sidebar.


Enter text to display as a title on the Offer section. Example: Brand-new collection.


Enter text to display as a subtitle on the Offer section. Example: Men collection.

Button text

Enter a button text for your offer section. We recommend adding a maximum of 16 characters to make the UI attractive.

Horizontal position

Adjust the slider to manage the space for the horizontal position of the offer on the page.

Vertical position

Adjust the slider to manage space for the vertical position of the offer on the page.


Button background

Select any color for the button background.

Button text

Select any color for the button text.

Block settings

The block settings below are common to all offers.


Enter text to display as a title on the Offer box. We recommend adding a maximum of 10 characters to show the appealing UI.

Highlighted text

Enter text to display as a high point subtitle on the Offer box. For example- 10% off. We recommend adding a maximum of 10 characters to show the appealing UI.


Choose any image to set as a background image for the Offer box. An image size of 288 x 160px (pixels) is recommended for appealing UI.

Link text

Enter any text to show as link text.


Enter a url to redirect the Offer box. The link opens when a store visitor clicks on this Offer box.

Newsletter popup

Configure the section

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Home page template.
  • From the side menu, select "Newsletter popup" shown below the footer group.
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Enable newsletter sidebar

Select the checkbox to enable the sidebar on click of which the newsletter popup will appear.


Select any icon/image to show as the newsletter popup's sidebar icon on the page.


Enter text to display as a title.


Enter text to display as a sub title.


Select any image to show in the newsletter popup.

Button text

Enter text to display as a highlight text on the hover of newsletter icon on page.

Horizontal position

Select from left or right to show the newsletter icon on the page.

Vertical position

Adjust the slider to manage space for the vertical position of the the newsletter icon on the page.

Theme settings

This section is used to customize the Yuva theme for your Shopify store.

Configure the theme settings

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown to select the Home page template.
  • Click on Theme Settings at the bottom to access theme-wide settings. Settings include:
  1. Color:From here, you can select the colors you want to use throughout the theme. The following settings can be changed through this main setting:

    Primary color

    • Base - Select any color for the theme color.
    • Background- Select any color for the store background.
    • Text - Select any color for the text used in the theme.
    • Headings - Select any color for the headings.
    • Button background - Select any color for the background of the first buttons, like “Add to cart.”
    • Button text-Select any color for the text of buttons.
    • Button border- Select any color for the border of buttons.
    • Image background - Select any color for the background of images.
    • Image border- Select any color for the border of images.
    • Saved amount background - Select any color for the background of the “Saved amount” badge.
    • Saved amount text - Select any color for the text of the “Saved amount” badge.
    • Cart indicator - Select any color for the cart indicator that appears when you add a product to the cart.
    • Browser notification background-Select any color for the browser tab notification’s background that appears when users add a product to the cart.
    • Browser notification text-Select any color for the browser tab notification’s text that appears when users add a product to the cart.
    • Card background- Choose any color for the card backgrounds.
    • Section border- Choose any color for the section borders.

    Sale badge

    • Background- Select any color for the background color of sale badges.
    • Text- Select any color for the text color of sale badges.

    Sold out badge

    • Background- Select any color for the background color of sold out badges.
    • Text- Select any color for the text color of sold out badges.

    Preorder badge

    • Background- Select any color for the background color of preorder badges.
    • Text- Select any color for the text color of preorder badges.

    Custom badge

    • Background- Select any color for the background color of custom badges.
    • Text- Select any color for the text color of custom badges.

    Secondary Color

    • Background: Select any color as the background color in the Secondary color scheme.
    • Text - Select any color for the text used in the theme.
    • Headings - Select any color for the headings.
    • Button background: This setting is for the background color of the second button where two buttons appear side by side, such as "Add to Cart and Buy Now" and "Save and Cancel."
    • Button border- Select any color for the border of second buttons, like "“Buy Now.”
      button    button


    • Background-Select any color for the section’s background.
    • Text - Select any color for the text used in the theme.
    • Headings - Select any color for the headings.


    • Background-Select any color for the section’s background.
    • Text - Select any color for the text used in the theme.
    • Headings - Select any color for the headings.


    • Background-Select any gradient color for the section’s background.
  2. Typography: From here, you can make font-related customizations using different options.
  3. Headings


    Font size scale

    Letter spacing

    Line height

    Text transform

    Select the font of the heading text.

    Adjust the base size for headings used in all sections.

    Select the spacing between letters in the heading.

    Adjust the line height for headings used in all sections.

    Select from Uppercase or Capitalize to display the headings.



    Letter spacing

    Font size scale

    Line height

    Select the font of the body content.

    Select the spacing between letters in the body.

    Adjust the base size for product titles, product descriptions, collection descriptions, blog posts, and footer.

    Choose line height for product description, collection description, blog post, and footer.

    Accent font


    Letter spacing

    Font size scale

    Line height

    Select any font for the accent font, that can be used to highlight the headings.

    Select the spacing between letters for the accent font.

    Adjust the base size for accent font.

    Choose line height for for accent font.




    Tab heading

    Filters heading

    Select the required font set on Headings or Body

    Select the required font set on Headings or Body

    Select the required font set on Headings or Body

    Select the required font set on Headings or Body

  4. Layout:
    1. Layout style-Select from Rounded or Sharp to show the edges of all boxes used in all sections.
    2. Layout width- Select from Boxed or Full width to change the sections container.
  5. Animation: Enable animation-Select this checkbox to enable/disable the animation on all sections.
  6. Buttons:
    1. Border radius- Adjust the slider to set the buttons radius.
    2. Animation direction- Select from the options to display the required animation on the buttons.
  7. Images: Use the below settings for the images styling.
  8. Enable lazyload

    Select checkbox to enable/disable the images lazyload.

    Note: We recommend you to enable the lazy loading forever as unchecking this may impact your store speed.


    Select the relevant image ratio from options:

    1. Auto
    2. Landscape (4:3)
    3. Portrait(3:4)
    4. Square(1:1)
    Product grid image size

    Select from Natural or Cropped to choose the relevant image size.


    Select the relevant image ratio from options:

    1. Auto
    2. Landscape (4:3)
    3. Portrait(3:4)
    4. Square(1:1)

    Select the relevant image ratio from options:

    1. Auto
    2. Landscape (4:3)
    3. Portrait(3:4)
    4. Square(1:1)
    Grid image border


    Select this checkbox to show/hide borders around product images.


    Select this checkbox to show/hide borders around collection images.


    Select this checkbox to show/hide borders around blogs images.

    Pass through colors

    Enable on product images

    Select this checkbox to apply this effect on your product images, it will hide the white background. Ideal for light-colored backgrounds and images with white backgrounds.

  9. Social: Use this setting to link your Shopify store to your social media handles.
  10. Facebook

    Add the link to your “Facebook” handle.


    Add the link to your “Twitter” handle.


    Add the link to your “LinkedIn” handle.


    Add the link of your “Instagram” handle.


    Add the link to your “Pinterest” handle.


    Add the link to your “Snapchat” handle.


    Add the link to your “TikTok” handle.


    Add the link to your “Tumblr” handle.


    Add the link to your “YouTube” handle.


    Add the link of your “Vimeo” handle.

    Enable suggestions

    Select the checkbox to show/hide the search suggestions in search results.

    Enable articles in results

    Select the checkbox to show/hide the articles tab in search results.

    Enable pages in results

    Select the checkbox to show/hide the pages tab in search results.

    Search prompts

    This will type in placeholder text into the search input, and provide a quick way to introduce customers to what the store sells.


    Select this checkbox to show the search prompts in search bar.

    Prompt text 1-3

    Enter any text to appear

  11. Cart drawer: Customize the look and feel of the cart drawer using the following settings:
  12. Enable cart drawer

    Select the checkbox to show/hide the cart drawer in your store.

    Enable browser notification

    Select this checkbox to show/hide the browser notification of added items in the cart.

    Note: This browser notification shows the cart items count only & it works with chrome and firefox browsers only. Also, users must enable the cart drawer to show this count.

    Enable cart note

    Select this checkbox to show/hide the cart note text field in the cart drawer.

    Gift wrap> Product

    Select ay product to add as a gift wrap product in the cart drawer & page.

    Gift wrap>Text

    Enter any text to appear as gift wrap text. This text displays on the cart drawer & page.

    Enable shipping bar

    Select this checkbox to enable/disable the shipping bar on the cart drawer.

    Note: This feature only works with a shipping method. If you're using multiple shipping methods, it might show false values to the customer.

    Minimum shipping price

    Type any price for providing free shipping to the customers. After reaching this price, the user will be shown a success message.

    Note: Users must write a number, no letters or special characters.


    Type any relevant message to notify users about the amount saved in this field.

    Note:Use ||amount|| to display the amount within the message.

    Success message

    This is to show the success message after the user has reached the minimum shipping price.

    Product upsells>Enable upsell products

    Select this checkbox to show the product upsells in the cart drawer and cart page.

    (Note: The cart drawer upsell products are visible only on the desktop.)

    Product upsells>Upsell heading

    Enter any text to appear as the rotating text in the cart drawer and a heading on the cart page.

    Product upsells>Select upsell products
    • Select from the following options to select the upsell products.
    • Related products- Selecting this will show the related products setup from Search and discovery app.
    • Complementary products- Selecting this will show the complementary products setup from Search and discovery app.
    • Product list- Selecting this will show the product list selected from the below setting.
    Product upsells>Product list

    Select products to show in upsell products of the cart drawer.

    Product upsells>Number of products

    Adjust this range bar to select the number of products.

  13. Breadcrumbs: Merchants can show or hide the breadcrumbs from the storefront using this setting.
  14. Enable breadcrumbs

    Select the checkbox to show/hide the breadcrumbs of the page on the store.

  15. Product: Using these settings, you can customize your product listings on your Shopify store.
  16. Enable preorder

    Select the checkbox if you want to allow users to pre-book any product. For this option, you must ensure that the "Continue Selling Out of Stock" is checked for a product that is not in stock at that moment. This setting can be checked from the Shopify products page.

    Option style

    Select from the dropdown style in which you want your product listings to appear. Options include dropdown and swatch.

    Color options name

    Enter the option name that holds the colors. E.g.: Color, Colour, Material, etc.

    Size options name

    Enter the option name that holds the sizes. E.g.: Size, Measure, etc.

    Color swatch style

    Choose from the dropdown style in which you want to show your color swatch style.

    • Circle swatches
    • Square swatches

    Follow the below procedure to set up custom color swatches:

    • Upon logging in, navigate to your Shopify dashboard and pick the Online Store > Themes tab.
    • When you click the Action button, a tiny drop-down box will appear. Press Edit code.
    • You are now on the page for the template editor. Go to the Assets folder → Add a new asset.
    • Repeat the above steps to upload the images for your color swatch.

    Rules to follow for image upload for color swatch:-

    • Size: You must upload an image with a size of roughly 50 × 50 pixels.
    • Extension: There must be a “.png extension.”
    • Naming conventions: The image's name must reflect the color option and be all lowercase with no spaces.

    Here is a collection of examples:-

    • If your color is "Light Blue," upload the image with the filename light-blue.png.
    • If your color is "Blue/Gray," upload the image with the filename blue-gray.png.
    • If your color is "Blue," upload the image with the filename blue.png.
    Show color option as variant image

    Select this checkbox to display product variants as images, not colors. For this to work, users need to add variant images from the Shopify products page. Refer to Product details.

    Show saved amount

    Select this checkbox to display the saved amount badge.

    Saved amount style

    Choose from the dropdown how you want the saved amount to be displayed as a percentage or amount.

    Options font family

    Select the required font set on Headings or Body in Typography settings.

    Price font family

    Select the required font set on Headings or Body in Typography settings.

    Option title text transform

    Select from Uppercase or Capitalize to display the variant’s titles.

    Add to cart alerts → Audio alert

    Select the audio alerts from multiple available options.

    Add to cart alerts → Haptic feedback

    Select this checkbox to enable the haptic feedbacks on mobile.

    Note: It does not work on IOS devices.

  17. Product grid: Manage the look and feel of product grids using the following settings.

    Enable add to cart

    Select this checkbox to show the “Add to cart” icon on products.

    Note: The “Add to cart” icon will appear if the product has a single variant. However, if the product has multiple variants, the icon will not be visible.

    Hide add to cart on mobile

    Select this checkbox to hide add to cart icon on the products on the mobile view.

    Enable similar products

    Select this checkbox to show similar product icons on products.

    Note: This similar products work on the basis of Shopify filters. Users must enable filters to use this feature properly.

    Show similar button text on hover

    Select this checkbox to “show similar button text on hover” instead of icons on products.

    Similar product based on

    Select from the following options:

    • Same vendor and product type-This shows similar products having the same vendor and product type saved in Shopify products.
    • Product type-This shows similar products having the same product type saved in Shopify products.
    • Vendor-This shows similar products having the same vendor saved in Shopify products.

    Note: This setting is based on Shopify filters, so users must enable the product type and vendor filters to use the similar products feature properly.

    Show grid pickup availability

    Select this checkbox to show the product availability in the product grids depending on the location selected from the store locator.

    (Note: This works after setting up the store locator section shown below the footer group.)

    Show vendor

    Select this checkbox to show vendor/brand name in the product grids.

    Show product price

    Select this checkbox to show/hide the price of products.

    Show reviews

    Select this checkbox to show/hide reviews of products.

    Product title opacity

    Adjust the rangebar to select the product title opacity in the product grids.

    Show inventory

    Select this checkbox to show the inventory in the product grids like low stock, in stock etc.

    Low inventory threshold

    Adjust the range bar to select the inventory threshold below which, the stock will be shown low stock.

    (Note: Show inventory quantity in red when quantity is below the threshold. Choose 0 to always show in stock if available.)

    Action on product image hover

    Select “None,” “Carousel,” or “Second image” to show on hover of the product image.

    Enable auto slide

    Select this checkbox to enable/disable auto slide on products.
    Note: This works only if the Carousel is saved in “Action on product image hover.”

    Enable color swatches

    Select this checkbox to enable the color swatches on the product grid. These swatches display the image change only if that variant is assigned an image from the Shopify product display.
    Note: Swatch action is not applicable with "Carousel" product image hover style.

    Content alignment

    Select from “Left, Center, or Right,” to show the product grid’s content.

    Product labels 1-4

    Enter product labels like custom.product_label setup from the store settings and then product page metafields.
    For more information related to meta fields, check the below details.

    Firstly, the metafields needed to be setup in the Store settings> Custom data>Products>Product metafield definitions:

    Then add the metafield definitions inside Theme settings > Product Card > Product labels:

    Now add these custom label names in the theme settings>Product grid>Product labels as below:

    The product labels will show like this:

    Product badges Enable sale badge

    Select this checkbox to show the sale badge in the grid.

    Enable sold out badge

    Select this checkbox to show the sold out badge in the grid.

    Enable preorder badge

    Select this checkbox to show the preorder in the grid.

    Custom badge Product tag

    Enter the product tags on which you want to show the badges.

    Badge text

    Enter the badge’s text.

  18. Quick view:
    Enable quick view

    Select this checkbox to show/hide a quick view icon on the products.

    Hide quick view on mobile

    Select this checkbox to hide a quick view icon on the products on the mobile view.

    Quick view style

    Choose from drawer or popup to determine the quick view style.

    Show dynamic checkout button

    Select the checkbox to display the dynamic checkout buttons on the quick view.

  19. Newsletter popup: Manage the look and feel of your newsletter pop-ups using the following settings:
  20. Enable newsletter popup

    Select the checkbox to display a newsletter pop-up on the storefront.


    Select an image for your newsletter section.


    Add text to display as a title on the “Newsletter pop-up” section.


    Add text to display as a brief about the newsletter section.

    Show social icons

    Select this checkbox to show/hide social icons on the newsletter.

    Set cookie for newsletter popup (days)

    Set the time (days) for which you want the cookies to expire. For example, if you set the time as two days, and the user closes the newsletter popup or submits their email for subscription, after two days, the popup will reappear on the storefront for that user.




    Popup background

    Button background

    Button text

    Button border

    Select any color for the heading text of the newsletter pop-up

    Select any color for the description text of the newsletter pop-up.

    Set the background color of the newsletter pop-up.

    Select any color for the button background of the newsletter pop-up.

    Select any color for the button text of the newsletter pop-up.

    Select any color for the button border of the newsletter pop-up.

  21. Reorder: Enable reorder- Select this checkbox to show the reorder in the orders display under account.
  22. Age verification popup: This will display a popup blocking the store from visitors until they click approve button.
  23. Enable age verification popup

    Select the checkbox to display the age verifier pop-up on the storefront.

    Age verification title

    Enter any text to show as the title.


    Add text to display as a heading on the popup.


    Add text to display as a brief about the age verifier.

    Approve button text

    Add text to display as approve button text on the age verifier.

    Decline button text

    Add text to display as decline button text on the age verifier.

    Under 18 title

    Add text to display on the under 18 popup as a title.

    Under 18 description

    Add text to display on the under 18 popup as a description.

    Decline button text

    Add text to display as decline button text on the under 18 popup.

    Set cookie for age verification popup(days)

    Set the time (days) for which you want the cookies to expire. For example, if you set the time as two days, and the user approves the age verifier popup, after two days, the popup will reappear on the storefront for that user.

    Enable privacy banner

    Select this checkbox to enable the privacy banner, which appears at the bottom of the displays.


    Enter text to display as the description on the privacy banner.

    Accept button text

    Add text to show as approve button text on the privacy banner.

    Decline button text

    Add text to display as descline button text on the age verifier.

  24. Favicon: These are tiny icons that appear in browser tabs, address bars, and bookmarks menus near your site's url or title. Users can upload favicon icons by clicking on the Change button under the favicon setting.

    Please note that an image size of 16 x 16px (pixels) is recommended.

  25. SEO:
  26. Disable microdata schema

    Select this checkbox to remove the markup from the page. Disable only if you are using a third party app for SEO! Learn more

    Remove the collection portion from product URLs for better SEO

    Select this checkbox to remove the collection portion from product URLs for better SEO of the store.

  27. Stickers:
    Enable stickers

    Select this checkbox to show the stickers. These show when the store front is idle for few minutes.

    Enable test mode

    Select this checkbox to enable the test mode to check the stickers.

    Show stickers after

    Select the time interval to show the stickers. Stickers will only appear when the screen is idle for these selected number of minutes.

    Colors Color 1-5

    Select any colors for the sticker background and the icons.

    Gradient colors Enable gradient

    Select this checkbox to enable the gradient background of the stickers.

    Color 1-5

    Choose the gradient background of the stickers.

  28. Scroll to top: This setting enables/disables and shows/hides the text. It is also used to add custom “SVG code” to add a custom "Scroll to top" button to your site.
  29. Enable

    Select this checkbox to enable the “Scroll to top” icon.

    Show text

    Select this checkbox to display "Scroll to top" on the icon.

    Show background color

    Select this checkbox to show/hide the background color of the icon.

    SVG code

    Enter “SVG code” to show a custom icon.

    Please note that ‘SVG’ should have width and height attributes.


    Select any required position from Left, Center & Right to display the scroll to top icon.

  30. Google Maps API Key: This setting is for adding the Google maps API key for the Maps section to function correctly. To learn the way to get the “Google maps API key,” please check this tutorial.
  31. Checkout With these settings, you can change the look and feel of the checkout page.
  32. Banner

    Background image

    Upload a background image for the checkout banner section. Image size of 1000 x 400px (pixels) is recommended.


    Custom image


    Logo size

    Add your brand’s logo to the banner section.

    Set the logo's position to center, left, or right.

    Choose any logo size, whether to keep it small, medium, or large.

    Main content area

    Background image

    Background color

    Form fields

    Upload a background image for the main body section.

    Choose any background color for your main body section.

    Choose from the drop-down menu how you want your form field to appear.

    Main content area

    Background image

    Background color

    Upload a background image for the “Order summary” section.

    Choose the background color of your “Order summary” section.







    Choose the desired font for the headings.

    Choose the desired font for the body content.

    Choose the color for accents on the checkout page.

    Choose the color for buttons on the checkout page.

    Set the color to show errors (if any) on the checkout page.

Template-Collection list

This page will automatically list all the current collections in your store. By default, all collections will be listed alphabetically.

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select a collection list template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Collections list page.”
  • Click on “Add Collection” to add collection blocks.
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Enter text to display as a title on the collection page.

Banner image

Select an image to be shown on the banner. Image size of 1916 x 200px (pixels) is recommended.

Desktop height

Select the most relevant height of the image for desktop view. Its options include:

  • Adapt to content
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Mobie height

Select the most relevant height of the image for mobile view. Its options include:

  • Adapt to content
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Collections per page

Set the number of collections to be displayed per page.

Show collections

Select the "All" or "Selected" radio button to list and display all or selected collections on the page.

Sort collections by

Choose an option from the list to sort your collection list. The list includes options such as

  • Alphabetically, a-z
  • Alphabetically, z-a
  • Date, new to old
  • Date, old to new
  • Product count, high to low
  • Product count, low to high

Banner background

Banner text

Choose any color for the banner background. It will appear when the banner image is not selected.

Choose any color for the heading text shown on the banner.

For each collection added to this page, use the following settings:

Select collection

Import the collection you want to showcase in the existing collection list.

To understand collections, refer to Collections.

Select image

Select an image for the current collection list.

Template-Main collection (Catalog)

This page will list all the products in your collection list. Users can choose to sort or filter the product listings on this page using various options.
Note: Please make sure the section- Main collection is not hidden, otherwise the collection products will stop showing.

Main Collection
  • Go to Customize theme. Click on the top dropdown menu to select Collection > Default collection template.
  • From the menu on the left, select "Main collection."
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Show collection title

Select this checkbox to show/hide the collection title on the page.

Show collection description

Select this checkbox to show/hide the collection description on the catalog page.

Show collection image

Select this checkbox to show/hide the collection image on the page.

Default collection image

Select any image to keep as the default image.

Note: This image shows when the collection does not have any featured collection image. Also, the show collection image should be selected.
To summarize, the first priority is given to the image added from Shopify collections, the second is given to the custom image.

Also, an image size of 1916 x 200px (pixels) is recommended.

Desktop height

Select the most relevant height of the image for desktop view. Its options include:

  • Adapt to content
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Mobie height

Select the most relevant height of the image for mobile view. Its options include:

  • Adapt to content
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Pagination type

Choose from paged navigation or infinite scrolling here.

Products per page

Adjust the slider to select a number of products per page. The minimum product count is 8, and the maximum is 25.

Filtering and sorting

Enable filtering

Filters layout

Enable sorting

Enable display options

Select this checkbox to show/hide the product filtering options.

Select from Drawer or Sidebar to display the specific layout.

Select this checkbox to show/hide the product sorting options.

Select this checkbox to show/hide the display views of two products, three products, etc.

Filter menu

Select any menu to display alongside the filters.


Banner background

Choose any color for the banner background. It will appear when the banner image is not selected.

Banner text

Choose any color for the heading text shown on the banner.

Template-Default product

The Default product page allows you to add shape and control the appearance of products.

Product page
  • Go to Customize theme. Click on the top dropdown menu to select the Products > Default product template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Product page.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.
Gallery style

Select any different style from the drop-down menu to display product media on the product page. Options are

  • Carousel
  • Grid
  • List
Show product description

Select this checkbox to show/hide the product description on the page.

Open product description accordion by default

Select this checkbox to show the product description accordion opened by default on the page

Enable variant based media

Select this check box to show variant based images on the product page gallery. For this to work, users need to add text in the Alt text of product images as same as the color option name without any extra spaces.

For example color option is


In the alt text it should be


Also, this image should be attached to the respective variant in the product details as below:

Enable shipping policy

Select this checkbox to show the shipping policy link on the product page.

Enable zoom icon

Select this checkbox to show the zoom icon on the product images.

Dividers on mobile

Select from the options to show dividers on mobile. Options include

  • None
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

Thumbnail position

Select from left, center or right to position the thumbnails on the carousel gallery style.

Desktop height

Select the most relevant height of the image for desktop view. Its options include:

  • 600px
  • 700px
  • 800px
  • Adapt to first slide

Mobile height

Select the most relevant height of the image for mobile view. Its options include:

  • 400px
  • 500px
  • 600px
  • Adapt to first slide


Note: These are not applicable to carousel gallery style.


Select from values to show product content in different positions like full width or sidebar.

Please note that this is not applicable to the Carousel gallery style.


Select from values to show product content in different styles, such as tabs or accordions.

Please note that this is not applicable to the Carousel gallery style.


Select from Left, Center, or right to display the content in that alignment.

Note: This is applicable to Tabs style only.

Custom content Heading

Enter text to display as a title in the new tab next to the product description.


Enter text to display as a description under the heading as added above.


Enter text to display as a title in the tab two next to the product description.


Enter text to display as a description under the tab two as added above.


Enter text to display as a title in the tab three next to the product description.


Enter text to display as a description under the tab three as added above.

It has the following types of blocks:


It displays the product’s title. It has no customizable block settings available.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.


Enter additional text to display. To display dynamic data like product Title or Vendor, select the Insert dynamic source icon shown next to the Text box and select any metafield to add here.

For more understanding, refer to Metafields.

Review rating

It displays customer reviews and ratings. These reviews can be included by adding the Shopify reviews app.


It displays the product SKU.

Refer to Product details.


Select this checkbox to display the product’s price like Sale and Compare price. There are no customizable block settings available.

Variant picker

Select size chart

It displays a variant picker for selecting variants of a product. There are no customizable block settings available. Please refer to Theme settings > Product for the different variants styles (Dropdown and Color swatches).

This is the block setting for the Variant picker. Select any page to show as a size chart for the product. It shows a link “Size Chart” on the product page.

Quantity selector

Select this checkbox to display a quantity selector, for selecting the number of products to purchase. It has no customizable block settings available.

Buy button Show dynamic checkout button

It shows the “Add to cart” and “Buy now” buttons in the Featured product section. Select the checkbox "Show dynamic checkout button" to display a button with the user's preferred payment method, in addition to the "Add to cart" button.

For more understanding, refer to Dynamic checkout button.

Enable ATC full width

Select this checkbox to show full sized buttons.

Show subscription plans

Select this checkbox to show/hide plans on the product page.

Note: Plans will only show when the subscription app is installed and at least 1 plan is activated.

Show recipient information form for gift card products

Check this checkbox to show the gift card form on the gift card products. Gift card products can be sent directly to a recipient with a personal message by using this form.

Enable sticky add to cart

Enable/disable sticky add to cart setting to show/hide the cart sticky footer on the product page as users browse and scroll the storefront.
Note: This sticky add to cart does not show on ipad and mobile devices.

Sticky add to cart position

Select from Top and Bottom to show the sticky bar.

Enable terms and conditions checkbox

Check this checkbox to show the terms and conditions sentence above the ATC button.

Terms and conditions text

Enter any text to show as the terms and conditions text.

Social sharing

This displays social icons to share products on these channels.

Custom liquid

This is used to add custom liquid code for any advanced customizations such as app snippets.

For more understanding, refer to Shopify developers: Liquid reference.

Complementary Products


Add text to display as the title on the Complementary Products.

Note: To select complementary products, users must add the Search & Discovery app.

Products count

Adjust the slider to select the number of products in complementary products. The minimum range is 2 and the maximum is 10.


Icon 1-3

Select any relevant icon from the available list of icons.


Select any image to show in place of icon. This has more priority than the icon.


Enter any text to show below the icon.

Inventory status Minimum inventory

Adjust the slider from 1 to 20 to set the minimum inventory.

Available inventory status

Enter text to show in case the available stock is more than the minimum inventory set above.

Low inventory status

Enter text to show in case the available stock is less than the minimum inventory set above.

Query form Heading

Enter any text to appear as a link to the query form.

Form button

Enter any text to appear as button text on the query form popup.

Product sign up Heading

Enter any text to appear as a heading. This block shows an email field, that can be used to signup for the product details. Also, the store owner needs to notify the storefront users manually.

Button text

Enter the button text.

Product meta Show as tab/accordion

Select this checkbox to show product details as a part of accordion or a tab as per the selections made.


Enter any text to appear as a title.

Note: This heading is required to show the product meta details in tab/accordion.

Show availability

Select this checkbox to show the product availability in the details.

Show sku

Select this checkbox to show the product SKU in the details.

Show vendor

Select this checkbox to show the product vendor in the details.

Show type

Select this checkbox to show the product type in the details.

Show collections

Select this checkbox to show the product collections in the details.

Show tags

Select this checkbox to show the product tags in the details.

Payment icons

Add this block to show the payment icons on PDP. Make sure that the payment details are filled in the Shopify payment details of the admin.

Countdown Sale end date

Enter any date to display the offer end date.

Note: The end date must be set to a future date and include the following format: MM/DD/YYYY Example: 12/20/2023.


Enter any text to show as the offer explaining text.

Short videos Heading

Enter any text to show as the title.

Video 1-4

Select the product short videos to display the product’s testimonials etc.

Recommended products

If a customer redirects to a product page from your store, related products will be shown in the product recommendation section.

Note - The “Product recommendation” section is only available on the default product and feature pages.

  • Go to Customize theme. At the top of the page, click on the dropdown menu to select the Products > Default product template.
  • From the left side menu, select “Product recommendations.”
  • Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table.

Add text to display as the title on the product recommendations.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Products count

Adjust the slider to select the number of products in recommended products. The minimum range is 2 and the maximum is 10.

Desktop grid radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the desktop.

Mobile grid radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the mobile.

Desktop grid spacing

Adjust the range bar to set the gap between columns on the desktop.

Mobile grid spacing

Adjust the range bar to set the gap between columns on the mobile.



Select color from the options:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Quaternary
  • Gradient

Note: These colors can be changed from Theme settings > Colors.


Top spacing (desktop)

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Top spacing (mobile)

Bottom spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the desktop.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section on the mobile.

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section on the mobile.

Recently viewed products

This section shows the products visited recently by the visitors. This section remains hidden on storefront in case no products have been visited.


Enter any text to appear as heading of the section.

(Note: Make text bold to show highlight font.)

Highlight font

Choose the highlight font from heading, body or accent fonts setup in the theme settings>typography.

Heading tag

Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.

Desktop grid radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the desktop.

Mobile grid radius

Adjust the range bar to set the borders radius on the mobile.

Desktop grid spacing

Adjust the range bar to set the gap between columns on the desktop.

Mobile grid spacing

Adjust the range bar to set the gap between columns on the mobile.



Select color from the options: