Our Inclusive Preksy membership app ensures a Hassle-Free experience. Discover the power of seamless recurring membership to boost lasting client loyalty.
Get the special discounts and offers developed to reward loyalty and amplify engagement. From special discounts to customized perks, our platform ensures that each member feels appreciated and valued.
Alter the lasting connections with customized discounts and offers that serve each member's unique recommendations and preferences. So, whether it's a personalized discount or tailored recommendations.
Perksy Membership Apps help merchants develop and manage member tiers easily. Recurring memberships may also help you establish solid customer tiers. In addition, you can easily customize member portals and widgets for product pages. Perksy Membership app also offers special perks like delivery discounts, welcome gifts, and savings on collections and products. Emails are sent to both customers and Merchants regarding purchases and membership updates. You can also add various tiers and set the billing frequency as per your reference.
Set up and manage member tiers in three steps by removing obstacles from loyalty program administration.
You can quickly provide delivery discounts, welcome gifts, and savings on selected collections and products, which will help with membership sign-ups and maintain continuity.
Perksy membership apps provide tailor-made member portals and product page widgets to reflect your brand's identity efficiently.
You can automatically send customized emails to clients and merchants to acknowledge their purchases and send premium membership updates.
Track user interactions and glean key performance metrics through the app's analytics.
Our team of Shopify experts will help you with all your requests related to
Shopify including themes, app development and customizations.
Quick answers to questions and they developed great guidance on how to install the app to meet the needs of our store.
This app is great and the customer service is fast and unbelievable. You gotta try this app it will wow you!
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